Wednesday, 19 November 2008

What happens if they die before then?

Two lots of tickets bought this week: very exciting ones for April 2009 - Waiting for Godot with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan; and a rather early Seasons Greetings by St Andrews Play Club at the Byre - this I saw last night.

I am always impressed by amateur dramatics. Not necessarily by any artistic merit, but always by the fact that these people give up their free time to rehearse and then perform daily for almost 2 weeks. I would be terrified. None of them are paid and all of them are very brave. Last night there were some half decent actors on stage. The script, Alan Ayckbourn, was quite funny, and the set was very detailed and very well made. That said, what could have been a passable performance was sadly let down by a very very bad actor. He grinned the whole time (even when faced with a potentially murdered house guest), left massive pauses before saying his lines as though he was trying to remember them, and his threats were so very unthreatening that by the end of the play everytime he spoke he was laughed at because it was so very very bad. Still, I think M & D just about forgave me for making them come with me!

As D said - lets hope that Messers Stewart and McKellan don't die before April.

(oh - as for the shoe saga - it's over. I have reclaimed my dancing shoes and will be whirling like a dervish all through Christmas)

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